Devin Davis is the progressive fighter our district needs to champion the many growing challenges communities throughout our district are facing.

A native of the Greater New Orleans area and descendant of the river parishes, I’ve witnessed firsthand how devastating the prison industrial complex, mass incarceration, and oppressive failed policies have been to our people and communities. 

This lived experience propelled me into the work of organizing early on as a teenager. I committed to the work of building power within neglected and oftentimes forgotten communities by mobilizing voters while widening the understanding of intersectional discourse. 

Im running for congress because I believe the best days of south Louisiana are still ahead of us if we fight for it.

For too long, our district has been ill served by career politicians who put the wants of corporations over the needs of our communities. We deserve a congressman who’s ready to take on the petrochemical industry while fighting for a progressive working class agenda that betters the lives of all our people.

As your next congressman, I will fight for immediate climate action, an robust expansion of labor rights and protections, Medicare for All and the elimination of medical debt, housing justice, and the dismantling of a racist criminal legal system.

We’re building a coalition of people across Louisiana’s 2nd Congressional District who believe our communities and our people deserve better than what career politicians continue to give us.